Thursday, 21 September 2017


Monday, 28 July 2014

Motorbike Carrier

Finally managed to fabricate a frame for my towbar mounted motorcycle carrier so I can start taking the motorbike away with us. It worked out quite well because the top of my rear door still has the 'feet' at the top that were used when the door came down as a stretcher ramp. These are bolted to the steel frame and are very strong. When the bike is strapped to the frame I can lash the bike to these as well and it takes any springiness out of the everything. The bike is pretty heavy for an Enduro at 145kg...

          Cagiva T4E 350cc Single Cyclinder 4 Stroke. Ex-French Military (Import)

The rear-view camera helped me to keep an eye on it when we were on the road, but it didn't flinch and after about an hour it was pretty much forgotten about!

Was able to use the frame to lock the bike on to over night as well....

Monday, 5 November 2012

Out on the road

Our first trip away in the van was to Shell Island, Wales in the 'Summer' of 2012. Anybody that hasn't been and might be wondering where it is, it is very close to Harlech Castle and Barmouth.
Brew stop near Bala on the way over
The weather wasn't up to much, and eventually caused a leak through one of the condensation vents on the roof that have proved to be no end of mither since I got the van.....
Although to be fair, we were only about 30 miles up the road from the place that on the same day had caravans floating around the caravan park and into rivers
After seeing these shots, I went on to finish painting the insides of the cab doors when we got back!
We opted for a room with a sea-view, at no extra charge
We were 'wild-camping' as there are no electric hook-ups at Shell Island.
All our power was provided by the solar-panels (electrics) and a gas-bottle (fridge/grill/hob).
Everything worked as it should and we managed the TV on for most of the day/night (due to the weather putting us off most of the out-door activities), as well as brews/radio/CD/lights/phone-chargers etc.
The tide coming in over the causeway......

Some of the movies weren't Jimmy's cup of tea.....


Thursday, 12 April 2012

Paint and stuff

Back working on the van again, now the nights have been getting lighter. Managed to get all the nasty glue off eventually, and the odd sticker that I'd missed last year. Was hoping to give it a quick outing over Easter Holiday period, but unfortunately the weather was crap.

Noticed a bit of wear on the front nearside tyre last week, so had the tracking done. Found this quite expensive at £45, but hopefully saved scrubbing out the tyre before its time was due......

Monday, 2 January 2012

Step Completed

Got a break in the rain and finished wiring the step to the door-pin so that it can open & close automatically.
I also rewired the step light (original ambulance fitting) to my interior LED's via its own switch while I was underneath. This was originally wired via van lights and would flatten the battery if left on.. This now comes on when the door opens, but only when interior lights are on (ie its dark)

Friday, 30 December 2011

Automatic Electric Step

The weather has not been up to much lately, so haven't managed much work on the van. Started fibreglassing over the joints to the blue lights on the roof, but got rained off.....

Managed to find an electric step off a mini-bus at a local scrap yard that fits great under the side door. It was minus a control box, but I rigged up my own using two relays wired to the step's micro-switches.

I rigged up my own mounting brackets underneath. The front ones were quite easy as there was some metal box-section frame for the sliding door. The back fixing needed a length of my own box-section strapped between the chassis framework. No need now to carry round the stepping stool that I've been lifting in & out

Its going to need a revisit to finish, as I got rained-off. The step is presently working in a semi-automatic mode via a switch inside, but needs a feed running to the sliding door 'light switch' plunger that will make it activate with the opening/closing of the door. 

Changed the switch labels on the main control panel to white on black

Trimmed around the over-cab doors a few weeks back, but don't think I posted any pics...

Sunday, 6 November 2011


Been a bit quiet on the van lately. The inside is more or less finished, just a few cosmetic tweeks and finishing touches really.

Managed to source & fit some decent vinyl flooring today.

If you've been following my blog for a while, you'll remember I fitted a scrap piece of roll-end to tide me over for a bit. I was able to use this as a template for the majority of the area, particularly for the rebates & cut-aways.

I removed & sprayed the bright yellow protector plates silver a few weeks back, so they were ready to screw straight back on when I'd finished. Decided to glue some vinyl in the step as well to finish it off.

I originally removed the bright orange grab handle when I lined the wall underneath, and decided to leave it off. However, I found that there was a tendency to grab hold of the seat/bed end panel when you were climbing in, which would obviously weaken it. It was then sprayed satin black and fixed back on.....

I also painted the wheels recently, which were the same bright yellow as the van.
Went for a silver & black look.

Almost ready for painting now, which I'm hoping to get done over the winter period.
Still using the Aquaroll drum in the boot for my water too, so could do with fitting my big on-board water tank at some stage ready for next  season's camping.....