Friday, 30 December 2011

Automatic Electric Step

The weather has not been up to much lately, so haven't managed much work on the van. Started fibreglassing over the joints to the blue lights on the roof, but got rained off.....

Managed to find an electric step off a mini-bus at a local scrap yard that fits great under the side door. It was minus a control box, but I rigged up my own using two relays wired to the step's micro-switches.

I rigged up my own mounting brackets underneath. The front ones were quite easy as there was some metal box-section frame for the sliding door. The back fixing needed a length of my own box-section strapped between the chassis framework. No need now to carry round the stepping stool that I've been lifting in & out

Its going to need a revisit to finish, as I got rained-off. The step is presently working in a semi-automatic mode via a switch inside, but needs a feed running to the sliding door 'light switch' plunger that will make it activate with the opening/closing of the door. 

Changed the switch labels on the main control panel to white on black

Trimmed around the over-cab doors a few weeks back, but don't think I posted any pics...